
Comments and thoughts about a HeadHunter’s life

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5 things that you can learn from a bad boss.

What can you learn from having a bad boss. It’s not all bad.


How and when to bring up salary

When do you ask about salary during an interview?


It’s the little things…

It’s the little things that help you in your job search


Tips to understanding whether your interview went well

How to do if you have done well or are doing well in an interview by picking up on subtle hints


Background checks and getting a job

What you need to know about background checks and getting that next job.


Do’s and Don’ts of receiving feedback

Receiving feedback during the interview process is vital in how you are perceived. Here are some do’s and don’ts on how to receive them.


Should you look for another job or ask for a promotion

You are ready for a bigger challenge at work but should you quit your job or look for anothe elsewhere?


Top 10 interview and resume FAILS

The top 10 things not to do on your resume and in interviews


Don’t put all of your eggs in one basket

Keeping your options open when job hunting even if things are going well at your present employer by Sirius Personnel.


10 Signs that you need to quit your job.

Is it time to quit your job? Here are 10 signs that it may be time to move on by Sirius Personnel.